We are currently rebuilding our site. If you are a student interested in joining the Lab please contact Prof. Žefran directly.

Welcome to the Robotics Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago! Housed in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Robotics Lab is a research facility  specializing in the theoretical and applied research in robotics. Its mission is to provide a multidisciplinary environment for students and researchers interested in human-robot interaction, autonomy and safety-critical cyber-physical systems. Current research activities range from physical human-robot interaction to safety monitoring of autonomous cars. Established  in 1999, the Robotics Lab hosts students pursuing graduate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) in Electrical and Computer  Engineering or Computer Science, as well as several undergrads.

Whether you are a prospective student looking for information or a colleague interested in our research, we hope that you will find these pages useful. If you need additional information please feel free to contact us. Our lab is located in Room 4211 of Science and Engineering Laboratory West (SELW).